Quality Assurance

Automated vs Manual Testing: Finding the Perfect Balance

When building software, your goal should be to create an error-free product that’s functional and meets user requirements. This is why software testing is an important part of software delivery. However, the effectiveness of software testing also depends on the approach you adopt, which could be automated testing or manual testing.

Both testing types have strengths and weaknesses, so it would be rather simplistic to reduce the discourse to which is better. So, in this article, we’ll explain what automation and manual testing are all about, their pros and cons, and how to balance both methods to ensure quality software delivery.

What is Automated Testing?

Automated testing uses automation testing tools and scripts to execute test cases and validate software functionality. Unlike manual testing, where human testers interact directly with the application, automated testing relies on pre-written code or scripts to perform testing tasks automatically. From unit testing individual components to performance testing under various load conditions, automation offers a range of capabilities. Examples of these automation testing tools and frameworks include Selenium, Appium, QA Wolf, and several others which are either no-code or traditional code-based tools.

There are various types of automated testing, each serving a different purpose:

  1. Unit Testing: Focused on testing individual units or components of the software, such as functions or methods, to ensure they work as intended.
  2. Integration Testing: Verifies the correct interaction and communication between different software components or modules that are combined and tested as a group.
  3. Functional Testing: Validates the application's functionality against specified business requirements and use cases.
  4. Regression Testing: Ensures that recent code changes or updates do not introduce defects or break existing functionality.
  5. Performance Testing: Evaluates the application's performance under different load conditions, including stress testing and load testing.

Pros and cons of Automation Testing

Pros of Automation testing

The advantages of automated testing are hard to ignore, and they include the following:

  • Early defect detection.
  • Increased efficiency.
  • Faster feedback loops. 
  • Improved test coverage. 
  • Enhanced transparency in testing activities. 

Cons of Automation testing

Automated testing also has its limitations, some of which are: 

  • Setting up automation tools and frameworks sometimes comes at a high cost.
  • Maintaining automated test scripts can be time-consuming, especially for complex applications. 
  • It often requires specialised skills to get started and optimise existing scripts.
  • Detecting certain types of bugs, such as usability issues or unexpected behaviour, may be difficult.

Manual Testing

Manual testing, on the other hand, involves a human tester directly interacting with the software application to validate its functionality, usability, and adherence to requirements. This approach relies less on tools and more on the tester's expertise, intuition, and ability to think creatively and explore different scenarios.

Pros and cons of Manual Testing

Pros of Manual Testing

The advantages of manual testing lie in its: 

  • Ability to catch nuances that automated tests may miss 
  • Better assessment of user experience
  • Cost-effectiveness since this testing type doesn’t require tools and scripts, it’s an inexpensive option for running tests and detecting defects. 
  • Flexibility to adapt to changing requirements. 
  • Efficiency when testing complex scenarios, subjective aspects like user interfaces, or when exploring edge cases not covered by automated tests.

Cons of Manual Testing

However, manual testing can be: 

  • Prone to human error: as tools will deliver more accuracy on a large scale.
  • Time-consuming: manually handling the process of preparing the data set, the application environment, and executing the tests will take more time, especially for larger projects.
  • Challenging to scale for large projects.
  • More expensive in the long run due to the ongoing need for human resources.

Differences between Manual and Automation Testing

A table showing a side-by-side display of the differences between manual and automation testing

How to balance Manual and Automated Testing

Balancing both manual and automated testing involves recognizing the strengths and limitations of each method and combining them strategically.

Automated testing is an excellent place to start if you want to handle repetitive tasks and ensure consistent quality across core functionalities. Manual testing takes centre stage for exploratory scenarios, user experience evaluations, and subjective assessments that require human intuition and creativity.

Strategies for integrating automated and manual testing include:

  1. Automation Pyramid: Following the test automation pyramid, automate lower-level tests (unit, integration) and use manual testing for higher-level tests (functional, usability).
  2. Hybrid Approach: Employ a mix of automated and manual tests, with automation handling repetitive tasks and manual testing focusing on exploratory and subjective aspects.

This harmonious collaboration between automation and manual testing not only optimises testing efforts but also maximises product quality.

Wrapping up

Striking the right balance between automation and manual testing is essential for delivering high-quality products that delight customers and drive business success. While automation offers significant advantages in terms of efficiency, consistency, and scalability, manual testing remains indispensable for exploring edge cases, assessing user experience, and validating subjective aspects.

Successful testing strategies recognize the strengths and limitations of both approaches and combine them in a tailored manner that aligns with the project's specific needs, risks, and priorities. By continuously evaluating and adapting testing processes, organisations can stay ahead of the curve and ensure that their products meet the highest standards of quality and usability.

Ultimately, the decision to automate or manually test should be based on a thorough analysis of the project requirements, available resources, and the potential benefits and trade-offs of each approach. 

At Assurdly, we handled software testing for different companies, and we can do the same for you.

Reach out to us to discuss how we can help improve your product’s quality through testing.

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